Peter Maurin

A Selection of Peter Maurin's Easy Essays

Blowing the Dynamite

Writing about the Catholic Church,
a radical writer says:
“Rome will have to do more
than to play a waiting game;
she will have to use
some of the dynamite
inherent in her message.”
To blow the dynamite
of a message
is the only way
to make the message dynamic.
If the Catholic Church
is not today
the dominant social dynamic force,
it is because Catholic scholars
have failed to blow the dynamite
of the Church.
Catholic scholars
have taken the dynamite
of the Church,
have wrapped it up
in nice phraseology,
placed it in an hermetic container
and sat on the lid.
It is about time
to blow the lid off
so the Catholic Church
may again become
the dominant social dynamic force.

No Recourse

  1. Politicians used to say:
    "We make prosperity
    through our wise policies."

  2. Business men used to say:
    "We make prosperity
    through our private enterprise."

  3. The workers did not have anything to say
    about the matter;

  4. They were either put to work
    or thrown out of employment

  5. And when unemployment came
    the workers
    had no recourse
    against the professed makers
    of prosperity,
    politicians and business men.

Politics Is Politics

  1. A politician is an artist
    in the art of following the wind
    of public opinion.

  2. He who follows the wind
    of public opinion
    does not follow
    his own judgement.

  3. And he who does not follow
    his own judgement
    cannot lead people
    out of the beaten path.

  4. He is like the tail of a dog
    that tries to lead the head.

  5. When people stand behind their president
    and their president
    stands behind them
    they and their president
    go around in a circle
    getting nowhere.

Classes And Clashes

  1. Business men say
    that because everybody is selfish
    business must necessarily
    be based on selfishness.

  2. But when business
    is based on selfishness
    everbody is busy
    becoming more selfish.

  3. And when everybody is busy
    becoming more selfish,
    you have classes and clashes.

  4. Business men create problems;
    they do not solve them.

Teachers Of Subjects

  1. Our business managers
    don't know how to manage
    the things they try to manage,
    because they don't understand
    the things they try to manage.

  2. So they turn to college professors
    in the hope of understanding
    the things they try to manage.

  3. But college professors
    do not profess anything,
    they only teach subjects.

  4. As teachers of subjects,
    college professors
    may enable people
    to master subjects,
    but mastering subjects
    has never enabled anyone
    to master situations.

The Age Of Treason

  1. Pope Pius IX and Cardinal Newman
    consider liberalism,
    whether it be
    religious, philosophical, or economic,
    the greatest error of the nineteenth century.

  2. Modern liberalism
    is the logical sequence
    of the so-called age of Enlightenment-
    the age of Voltaire, Rousseau, Thomas Paine-
    sometimes called the Age of Reason
    in opposition to the Age of Faith.

  3. By sponsoring nationalism and capitalism
    modern liberals
    have given up the search for truth
    and have become paid propagandists.

  4. Modern liberals have ceased to appeal to reason,
    and have chosen to appeal to prejudice.

  5. So the Age of Reason
    has become the age of Treason,
    as Julien Benda points out
    in his book entitled:
    "The treason of the Intellectuals".

Church And State

  1. Modern Society
    believes in the separation
    of Church and State.

  2. But the Jews
    did not believe in it.

  3. The Greeks
    did not believe in it.

  4. The Romans
    did not believe in it.

  5. The Mediaevals
    did not believe in it.

  6. The Puritians
    did not believe in it.

  7. Modern society
    has separated Church and State
    but it did not separate the State
    from business.

  8. The State is no longer
    a Church's State.

  9. The State is now
    a Business Men's State.

Getting Stuck

  1. Ethical teachers seem to wish
    every worker to be a stockholder
    and every stockhoulder to be a worker.

  2. As a stockholder
    the worker wants bigger dividends.

  3. As a worker
    he wants bigger wages.

  4. And the stock promoters
    stock him with stocks
    till he gets stuck.

  5. And labor organizers
    promise him better conditions
    and exact bigger dues.

  6. And the worker
    finds himself exploited
    both by stock promoters
    and labor organizers.

A Modern Pest

  1. "What ails modern society
    is separation
    of the spiritual
    from the material",
    says Glenn Frank.

  2. "Secularism is a pest",
    says Pius XI.

  3. When religion
    has nothing to do
    with education,
    education is only
    plenty of facts,
    but no understanding.

  4. When religion
    has nothing to do
    with politics,
    politics is only
    "Let's turn the rascals out
    so our good friends
    can get in."

  5. When religion
    has nothing to do
    with business,
    business is only
    "Let's get what we can
    while the getting is good."

Shouting With Rotarians

  1. The modern man looks for thought
    so that he can have light,
    and he is unable to find it
    in our modern schools.

  2. According to Professor Meiklejohn,
    "Students go school
    not to be directed
    but to become business men."

  3. According to Glenn Frank,
    President of the University of Wisconsin,
    "Schools reflect the environment,
    they do not create it."

  4. Which explains why
    shortly after their graduation,
    school graduates could be heard
    shouting with Rotarians:
    "Service for profits",
    "Time is money",
    "Keep Smiling",
    "Business is business",
    "How are you making out?"
    "The law of supply and demand",
    "Competition is the life of trade",
    "Your dollar is your best friend".

Catholic Worker Philosophy
Christianity Untried

  1. Chesterton says:
    "The Christian ideal
    has not been tried
    and found wanting.
  2. It has been found difficult
    and left untried."
  3. Christianity has not been tried
    because people thought
    it was impractical.
  4. And men have tried everything
    except Christianity.
  5. And everything
    that men have tried
    has failed.

The Duty of Hospitality

  1. People who are in need
    and are not afraid to beg
    give to people not in need
    the occasion to do good
    for goodness'sake.
  2. Modern society calls the beggar
    bum and panhandler
    and gives him the bum's rush.
    But the Greeks used to say
    that people in need
    are the ambassadors of the gods.
  3. Although you may be called
    bums and panhandlers
    you are in fact
    the Ambassadors of God.
  4. As God's Ambassadors
    you should be given food,
    clothing and shelter
    by those who are able to give it.
  5. Mahometan teachers tell us
    that God commands hospitality,
    and hospitality is still practiced
    in Mahometan countries.
  6. But the duty of hospitality
    is neither taught nor practiced
    in Christian countries.

Feeding the Poor at a Sacrifice

  1. In the first centuries
    of Christianity
    the hungry were fed
    at a personal sacrifice,
    the naked were clothed
    at a personal sacrifice,
    the homeless were sheltered
    at personal sacrifice.
  2. And because the poor
    were fed, clothed and sheltered
    at a personal sacrifice,
    the pagans used to say
    about the Christians
    "See how they love each other."
  3. In our own day
    the poor are no longer
    fed, clothed, sheltered
    at a personal sacrifice,
    but at the expense
    of the taxpayers.
  4. And because the poor
    are no longer
    fed, clothed and sheltered
    the pagans say about the Christians
    "See how they pass the buck."

A Radical Change

  1. The order of the day
    is to talk about the social order.
  2. Conservatives would like
    to keep it from changing
    but they don't know how.
  3. Liberals try to patch it
    and call it a New Deal.
  4. Socialists want a change,
    but a gradual change.
  5. Communists want a change,
    an immediate change,
    but a Socialist change.
  6. Communists in Russia
    do not build Communism,
    they build Socialism.
  7. Communists want to pass
    from capitalism to Socialism
    and from Socialism to Communism.
  8. I want a change,
    and a radical change.
  9. I want a change
    from an acquisitive society
    to a functional society,
    from a society of go-getters
    to a society of go-givers.

Historical Background
Thirteenth-Century France

  1. Henry Adams, who had in his ancestry
    two Presidents of the United States,
    says in his autobiography
    that one cannot get an education
    in modern America.

  2. And the reason he gives is,
    that there is
    no unity of thought
    in modern America.

  3. So he went to England
    and found that modern England
    is too much like America.

  4. So he went to France
    and found that modern France
    is too much like England and America.

  5. But in France, Henry Adams found
    that one could get an education
    in thirteenth-century France.

  6. And he wrote a book concerning
    the Cathedral of Chartes
    and the Mount Saint-Michel,
    where he points out
    that there was unity of thought
    in thirteenth-century France.

Guild System – 1200 A.D.

  1. In 1200 A.D.
    there was no Capitalist System,
    there was the Guild System.

  2. The doctrine of the Guilds
    was the doctrine
    of the Common Good.

  3. The people used to say
    as they do now:
    "What can I do for you?"
    but they meant what they said.

  4. Now they say one thing
    and they mean another.

  5. They did not look for markets,
    they let markets
    look for them.

Roman Law – 1300 A.D.

  1. In 1300 A.D.
    the Roman Law
    took place
    of the Canon Law.

  2. The Roman Law
    enables rich men
    to live among the poor men.

  3. The Canon Law
    enables good men
    to live among bad men.

  4. "Divide to rule"
    became the slogan
    of the politicians.

  5. In his book "The Prince",
    taught them how.

  6. So politics
    ceased to be policy
    and became
    just politics.

Middle-Man – 1400 A.D.

  1. Around 1400 A.D.
    appears the middle-man.

  2. He offers to buy the goods
    and to find a market.

  3. The guild's man
    thinks about the money
    offered for his goods
    and forgets the Common Good.

  4. And the middle-man
    is not interested
    in selling useful goods
    but in making money
    on any kind of goods.

  5. And the consumer
    never meets the producer
    and the producer
    ceases to think
    in terms of service
    and begins to think
    in terms of profits.

Calvinism – 1530 A.D.

  1. American Puritanism
    was to a great extent
    an outgrowth of Calvinism.

  2. Andre' Siegfried says:
    "The Puritan
    is proud to be rich.

  3. "If he makes money,
    he likes to tell himself
    that Divine Providence
    sends it to him.

  4. "His wealth itself
    becomes in his eyes
    as well as the eyes of others
    a mark of God's blessing.

  5. "A time comes
    when he no longer knows
    if he acts for duty's sake
    or for interest's sake.

  6. "It becomes difficult
    in those conditions
    to make a demarcation
    between religious aspiration
    and the pursuit of wealth."

Banker – 1600 A.D.

  1. Before John Calvin
    people were not allowed
    to lend money at interest.

  2. John Calvin decided
    to legalize
    money-lending at interest
    in spite of the teachings
    of the Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church.

  3. Protestant countries
    tried to keep up with John Calvin
    and money-lending at interest
    became the general practice.

  4. And money ceased to be
    a means of exchange
    and began to be
    a means to make money.

  5. So people lent money on time
    and started to think of time
    in terms of money
    and said to each other:
    "Time is money."

Manufacturer – 1700 A.D.

  1. With the discovery of steam
    the factory system
    made its appearance.

  2. To take drudgery out of the home
    was suppose to be
    the aim of the manufacturer.

  3. So the guildsman
    left his shop
    and went to the factory.

  4. But the profit-making manufacturer
    found it more profitable
    to employ women
    than to employ men.

  5. So the women left the home
    and went to the factory.

  6. Soon the children
    followed the women
    into the factory.

  7. So the men have to stay at home
    while women and children
    work in the factory.

Economist – 1800 A.D.

  1. The Laissez-Faire Economists
    told everybody
    that competition
    is the life of trade
    and that it is a case
    of survival of the fittest.

  2. So since 1800
    looking for markets
    has engaged men's activities.

  3. And since trade follows the flag
    industral nations
    have also become
    imperialst nations.

  4. The fight for markets
    between two industrial nations,
    England and Germany,
    was the main cause
    of the World War.

World War – 1914

  1. As President Wilson said,
    the World War
    was a commercial war.

  2. But a commercial war
    had to be idealized,
    so it was called
    a War for Democracy.

  3. But the War for Democracy
    did not bring Democracy:
    it brought
    Bolshevism in Russia,
    Fascism in Italy,
    Nazism in Germany.

World Depression – 1929

  1. After the World War
    people tried to believe
    that a New Era
    had dawned upon the world.

  2. People thought
    that they had found a solution
    to the problem
    of mass-distribution.

  3. People thought
    that the time had come
    for the two-car garage,
    a chicken in every pot,
    and a sign "To Let"
    in front of every poor-house.

  4. And everybody
    wanted to cash in
    on the future prosperity.

  5. So stock promoters got busy
    and stocked people with stocks
    till they got stuck.

Legalized Usury
God And Mammon

  1. Christ says: "The dollar you have
    is the dollar you give."

  2. The Banker says: "The dollar you have
    is the dollar you keep."

  3. Christ says: "You cannot serve two masters,
    God and Mammom."

  4. "'You cannot.' And all our education consists
    in trying to find out how we can,"
    says Robert Louis Stevenson.

  5. "The poor are the true children of the Church",
    says Bossuet.

  6. "Modern society
    has made the bank account
    the standard of values",
    says Charles Peguy.

Usurers Are Not Gentlemen

  1. The Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church
    forbade lending money at interest.

  2. Lending at interest
    was called usury
    by the Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church.

  3. Usurers were not considered
    to be gentlemen
    when people used to listen
    to the Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church.

  4. When people used to listen
    to the Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church
    they could not see anything gentle
    in trying to live
    on the sweat of somebody else's brow
    by lending money at interest.

Wealth-Producing Maniacs

  1. When John Calvin
    legalized money-lending at interest,
    he made the bank account
    the standard of values.

  2. When the bank account
    became the standard of values,
    people ceased to produce for use
    and began to produce for profits.

  3. When people began to produce for profits
    they became
    wealth-producing maniacs.

  4. When people became wealth-producing maniacs
    they produced too much wealth.

  5. When people found out
    that they had produced too much wealth
    they went on an orgy
    of wealth-destruction
    and destroyed
    ten million lives besides.


  1. Because John Calvin
    legalized money-lending at interest,
    the State has legalized
    money-lending at interest.

  2. Because the State has legalized
    money-lending at interest,
    home owners
    have mortgaged their farms;
    have mortgaged their buildings;
    have mortgaged their churches;
    cities, counties, States
    and Federal Government
    have mortgaged their budgets.

  3. So people find themselves
    in all kinds of financial difficulties
    because the State
    has legalized money-lending at interest
    in spite of the teachings
    of the Prophets of Israel
    and the Fathers of the Church.

The Fallacy Of Saving

  1. When people save money
    that means money is invested.

  2. Money invested
    increases production.

  3. Increased production
    brings a surplus in production.

  4. A surplus in production
    brings unemployment.

  5. Unemployment
    brings a slump in business.

  6. A slump in business
    brings more unemployment.

  7. More unemployment
    brings a depression.

  8. A depression
    brings more depression.

  9. More depression
    brings red agitation.

  10. Red agitation
    brings red revolution.

Avoiding Inflation

  1. Some say
    that inflation is desirable.

  2. Some say
    that inflation is deplorable.

  3. Some say
    that inflation is deplorable
    but inevitable.

  4. The way to avoid inflation
    is to lighten the burden
    of money-borrowers
    without robbing the money-lenders.

  5. And the way
    to lighten the burden
    of money-borrowers
    with robbing the money-lenders
    is to pass two laws:
    one law making immediately illegal
    all interest on money lent
    and another law
    obligating the money-borrowers
    to pay one per cent of the debt
    every year
    during a period
    of a hundred years.

Works of Mercy
The Wisdom Of Giving

  1. To give to the poor
    is to enable the poor to buy.

  2. To enable the poor to buy
    is to improve the market.

  3. To improve the market
    is to help business.

  4. To help business
    is to reduce unemployment.

  5. To reduce unnemployment
    is to reduce crime.

  6. To reduce crime
    is to reduce taxation.

  7. So why not give to the poor
    for business' sake,
    for humanity's sake,
    for God's sake?

Share Your Wealth

  1. God wants us
    to be our brother's keeper.

  2. To feed the hungry,
    to clothe the naked,
    to shelter the homeless,
    to instruct the ignorant,
    at a personal sacrifice,
    is what God
    wants us to do.

  3. What we give to the poor
    for Christ's sake
    is what we carry with us
    when we die.

  4. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau say:
    "When man dies
    he carries
    in his clutches hands
    only that which
    he has given away."

Why Not Be A Beggar?

  1. People who are in need
    and are not afraid to beg
    give to people not in need
    the occasion to do good
    for goodness' sake.

  2. Modern society
    calls the beggar
    bum and panhandler
    and gives him the bum's rush.

  3. The Greeks used to say
    that people in need
    are the ambassadors of the gods.

  4. We read in the Gospel:
    "As long as you did it
    to one of the least
    of My brothers
    you did it to Me."

  5. While modern society
    calls the beggars
    bums and panhandlers,
    they are in fact
    the Ambassadors of God.

  6. To be God's Ambassador
    is something
    to be proud of.

Municipal Lodgings

  1. People who are in need
    are not invited
    to spend the night
    in homes of the rich.

  2. There are guest rooms
    in the homes of the rich
    but they are not
    for those who need them.

  3. They are not
    for those who need them
    because those who need them
    are no longer considered
    as the Ambassadors of God.

  4. So the duty of hospitality
    is no longer considered
    as a personal duty.

  5. So people without a home
    are sent to the city
    where hospitality is given
    at the taxpayer's expense.


  1. The Holy Father
    appoints a man
    named a Bishop
    to a seat - a cathedra.

  2. From that seat - cathedra
    the Bishop
    teaches the truth
    to all men
    so the truth
    may make them free.

  3. But some people
    are Bishop-shy.

  4. They are Bishop-shy
    because they are
    hungry, shivering, or sleepy.

  5. They must be
    fed, clothed, and sheltered
    before they will consent
    to come to listen
    to Christ's Bishop.

  6. To feed, clothe, and shelter them
    at a personal sacrifice
    is to participate
    in the Bishop's apostolate.

Passing The Buck

  1. In the first centuries of Christianity
    the poor were fed, clothed, and sheltered
    at a personal sacrifice
    and the Pagans
    said about the Christians:
    "See how they love each other."

  2. Today the poor are fed, clothed, and sheltered
    by the politicians
    at the expense
    of the taxpayers.

  3. And because the poor
    are no longer
    fed, clothed, and sheltered
    at a personal sacrifice
    but at the expense
    of taxpayers
    Pagans say about Christians:
    "See how they pass the buck."


  1. We read in the Catholic Encyclopedia
    that during the early ages
    of Christianity
    the Hospices
    or Houses of Hospitality
    was a shelter
    for the sick, the poor,
    the orphan, the old, the traveller,
    and the needy of every kind.

  2. Originally the Hospices
    of Houses of Hospitality
    were under the supervision
    of the Bishops
    who designated priests
    to administer
    the spiritual
    and temporal affairs
    of these charitable institutions.

Houses Of Hospitality

  1. We need Houses of Hospitality
    to give to the rich
    the opportunity
    to serve the poor.

  2. We need Houses of Hospitality
    to bring the scholars
    to the workers
    or the workers
    to the scholars.

  3. We need Houses of Hospitality
    to bring back to institutions
    the technique to institutions.

  4. We need Houses of Hospitality
    to show
    what idealism looks like
    when it is practiced.

Servants Of The Poor

  1. In seventeenth-century France
    there was a priest
    by the name of Vincent.

  2. Father Vincent realized
    that the country
    was going to the dogs.

  3. When something goes wrong
    they say in France:
    "Cherchez la femme-
    look for the woman."

  4. Looking for the woman
    Father Vincent found out
    that many woman
    were trying to be
    the mistresses of the rich.

  5. St. Vincent of Paul
    gathered several women
    and told them:
    "If you want
    to put the country on its feet
    refuse to be
    the mistress of the rich
    and choose to be
    the servants of the poor."

Scholars And Workers

  1. By living with the workers
    in Houses of Hospitality
    scholars will be able
    to convey to the workers
    why things are
    what they are,
    how things would be
    if they were as they should be,
    and how a path can be made
    from things as they are
    to things as they should be.

  2. By living with the workers
    in Houses of Hospitality
    scholars will be able
    to win the workers' sympathy,
    and therefore
    keep the workers
    from being influenced
    by selfish demagogues.

  3. By living with the workers
    in Houses of Hospitality
    ascholars will be able
    to become dynamic
    and therefore
    be the driving force
    of a new social order.

Social Workers and Workers

  1. The training of social workers
    enables them to help people
    to adjust themselves
    to the existing environment.

  2. The training of social workers
    does not enable them
    to help people
    to change the environment.

  3. Social workers
    must become social minded
    before they can be
    critics of the existing environment
    and free creative agents
    of the new environment.

  4. In the Houses of Hospitality
    social workers can aquire
    the art of human contacts
    and the social-mindedness
    or understanding of social forces
    which will make them
    critical of the existing environment
    and free creative agents
    of a new environment.

Rich And Poor

  1. Afraid of the poor
    who don't like to get poorer,
    the rich who like to get richer
    turn to the State for protection.

  2. But the State is not only
    the State of the rich
    it is also the State of the poor
    who don't like to get poorer.

  3. So the State sometimes chooses to help
    the many poor
    who don't like to get poorer,
    at the expense of the few rich
    who like to get richer.

  4. Dissatisfied with the State,
    the rich who like to get richer
    turn to the Church
    to save them from the poor
    who don't like to get poorer.

  5. But the Church can only tell the rich
    who like to get richer:
    "Woe to you rich
    who like to get richer,
    if you don't help the poor
    who don't like to get poorer."

Criticism and Marxism
Not Communists

  1. There is nothing wrong
    with Communism,
    but there is something wrong
    with Communists.

  2. The wrong thing with Communists is
    that they are not Communists,
    they are Socialists.

  3. There is no Communism
    in Soviet Russia,
    there is State Socialism
    in Soviet Russia.

  4. The State has not withered away,
    the wage system still prevails,
    and they are selling
    7% government bonds
    in Soviet Russia.

  5. By selling 7% government bonds
    they are creating
    a new parasitic class
    in Socialist Russia.

Taking Over

  1. The aim of the Communists
    is to take over the control
    of the means of production
    and distribution.

  2. The means of production
    and distribution
    are now in the hands
    of Capitalists.

  3. The class war is a war
    between Communists
    and Capitalists
    over control
    of the means of production
    and distribution.

  4. Patriots believe
    that the way to bring about
    a classless society
    is a class war
    between the Capitalist State
    and the working class.

What Is Communism?

  1. Communists believe
    in capturing the State
    so as to be able
    to use it as a club
    to prevent anybody
    from becoming a Capitalist.

  2. The Communist manifesto
    defines Communism
    as "a state of society"
    where each one works
    according to his ability
    and gets
    according to his needs."

  3. Using the power of the State
    will enable Communists
    to prevent anybody
    from becoming
    a successful Capitalist
    but it will not
    make anybody
    Communist at heart.

  4. To be a Communist
    according to the definition
    of the Communist Manifesto
    is to be willing to give one's labor
    for the benefit
    of a Communist Community.

I Agree

  1. I agree with seven Bishops,
    three of whom are Archbishops,
    that the Communist criticism
    of the rugged individualism
    of bourgeois capitalism
    is a sound criticism.

  2. I agree with seven Bishops,
    three of whom are Archbishops,
    that the main social aim
    of the communist Party
    is a sound social aim.

  3. I agree with seven Bishops,
    three whom are Archbishops,
    that the Communists are not sound
    when they advocate class struggle
    and proletarian dictatorship
    as the best practical means
    to realize their sound social aim.

To Be A Marxist

  1. Before he died
    Karl Marx told one of his friends:
    "I have lived long enough
    to be able to say
    that i am not a Marxist."

  2. To be a Marxist,
    according to the logic of Das Kapital,
    is to maintain
    that the best thing to do
    is to wait patiently
    till Capitalism
    has fulfilled its historic mission.

  3. To be a Marxist
    according to the logic of Das Kapital,
    is to step back,
    take and academic view of things,
    and watch the self-satisfied Capitalists
    dig their own graves.

  4. To be a Marxist,
    according to the logic of Das Kapital,
    is to let economic evolution
    do its work
    without ever attempting
    to give it a push.

Karl Marx Soon Realized

  1. Karl Marx soon realized
    that his own analysis
    of bourgeois society
    could not be the basis
    of a dynamic revolutionary movement.

  2. karl Marx soon realized
    that a forceful Communist Manifesto
    was the necessary foundation
    of a dynamic Communist Movement.

  3. Karl Marx soon realized,
    as Lenin realized,
    that there is no revolution
    without revolutionary action;
    that there is no revolutionary action
    without a revolutionary movement;
    that there is no revolutionary movement
    without a vanguard of revolution
    and that there is no vanguard of revolution
    without a theory of revolution.

The Communist Manifesto

  1. Having realized
    that a Communist Manifesto
    was the basis of a Communist Movement,
    Karl Marx decided
    to write a Communist Manifesto.

  2. To write the Communist Manifesto
    Karl marx did not use
    his own analysis of Capitalism.

  3. He took the criticism
    of the bourgeois society of his time
    by Victor Considerant
    and made it the first part
    of the Communist Manifesto.

  4. He took the definition of Communism
    by Proudhon
    and made it his own.

  5. He tried to make himself believe
    that class struggle was the first step
    from a Capitalist society
    where man is inhuman to man
    to a Communist society
    where man in human to man.

Five Definitions

1.A Bourgeois
is a fellow who tries to be somebody
by trying to be
like everybody,
which makes him
a nobody.

  1. A Dictator
    is a fellow
    who does not hesitate
    to strike you over the head
    if you refuse to do
    what he waants you to do.

  2. A Leader
    is a fellow
    who refuses to be crazy
    the way everybody else is crazy
    and tries to be crazy
    in his own crazy way.

  3. A Bolshevist
    is a fellow
    who tries to get
    what the other fellow has
    and to regulate
    what you should have.

  4. A Communitarian
    is a fellow
    who refuses to be
    what the other fellow is
    and tries to be
    what he wants him to be.

They And We

  1. People say:
    "They don't do this,
    they don't do that,
    they ought to do this,
    this ought to do that."

  2. Always "They"
    and never "I".

3.People should say:
"They are crazy
for doing this
and not doing that
but I don't need
to be crazy
the way they are crazy."

  1. The Communitarian Revolution
    is basically
    a personal revolution.

  2. It starts with I
    not with They.

  3. One I plus one I
    makes two I
    and two I makes We.

  4. "We" is a community
    while "they" is a crowd.

Communitarian Movement

  1. The Nazis, the Fascists,
    and the Bolshevists
    are Totalitarians.

  2. The Catholic Worker
    is Communitarian.

  3. The principles of Communitarianism
    are expounded every month
    in the French magazine
    Esprit (The Spirit).

  4. Emmanuel Mounier,
    editor of the magizine,
    has a book entitled,
    "La revolution personnaliste
    et communitaire."

  5. Raymond de Becker
    is the leader in Belgium
    of the Communitarian Movement

  6. Dr. Kagawa
    the Japanese co-operator
    is truly imbued
    with the communitarian spirit.

The C.P. And C.M.

  1. The Communist Party
    credits bourgeois capitalism
    with an historic mission.

  2. The Communitarian Movement
    condemns it
    on general principles.

  3. The Communist Party
    throws the monkey-wrench
    of class struggle
    into the economic machinery
    and by doing so
    delays the fulfilling
    of the historic mission
    which it credits
    to capitalism.

  4. The Communitarian Movement
    aims to create
    a new society
    within the shell of the old
    with the philosophy of the new
    which is not
    a new philosophy
    but a very old philosophy,
    a philosophy so old
    that it looks like new.

  5. The Communist Party
    stands for proletarian dictatorship.

  6. The Communitarian Movement
    stands for personalist leadership.

What Labor Needs

  1. A Communist Community
    is a Community
    with a common unity.

  2. A common belief
    is what makes the unity
    if a community.

  3. Norman Thomas says
    that "Ramsay MacDonald
    has failed to give to Labor
    a philosophy of labor".

  4. What labor needs
    is not economic security.

  5. What Labor needs
    is a philosophy of labor.

Three Ways To Make A Living

  1. Mirabeau says:
    "There are only three ways
    to make a living:
    Stealing, begging, working."

  2. Stealing is against the law of God
    and against the law of men.

  3. Begging is against the law of men,
    but not against the law of God.

  4. Working is neither against the law of God
    nor against the law of men.

  5. But they say
    that there is no work to do.

  6. There is plenty of work to do,
    but no wages.

  7. But people do not need
    to work for wages.

  8. They can offer their services
    as a gift.

Capital And Labor

  1. "Capital", says Karl Marx,
    "is accumulated labor,
    not for the benefit of the laborers,
    but for the benefit of the accumulators."

  2. And Capitalists succeed
    in accumulating labor
    by treating labor
    not as a gift,
    but as a commodity,
    buying it as any other commodity
    at the lowest possible price.

  3. And organized labor
    plays into the hands
    of the capitalists
    or accumulators of labor
    by treating their own labor
    not as a gift,
    but as a commodity,
    selling it as any other commodity
    at the highest possible price.

Selling their Labor

  1. And when the capitalists
    or accumulators of labor
    have accumulated so much
    of the laborer's labor
    that they no longer
    find it profitable
    to buy the labor's labor
    then the laborers
    can no longer
    sell their labor
    to the capitalists
    or accumulators of labor.

  2. And when the laborers
    can no longer
    sell their labor
    to the capitalists
    or accumulators of labor,
    they can no longer buy
    the products of their labor.

  3. And that is
    what the laborers get
    for selling their labor
    to the capitalists
    or accumulators of labor.

What Makes Man Human

  1. To give and not to take
    that is what makes man human.
  2. To serve and not to rule
    that is what makes man human.
  3. To help and not to crush
    that is what makes man human.
  4. To nourish and not to devour
    that is what makes man human.
  5. And if need be
    to die and not to live
    that is what makes man human.
  6. Ideals and not deals
    that is what makes man human.
  7. Creed and not greed
    that is what makes man human.

Better Or Better Off

  1. The world would be better off,
    if people tried
    to become better.

  2. And people would
    become better
    if they stopped trying
    to be better off.

  3. For when everybody tries
    to become better off,
    nobody is better off.

  4. But when everybody tries
    to become better,
    everybody is better off.

  5. Everybody would be rich
    if nobody tried
    to be richer.

  6. And nobody would be poor
    if everybody tried
    to be the poorest.

  7. And everybody would be
    what he ought to be
    if everybody tried to be
    what he wants
    the other fellow to be.

Big Shots And Little Shots

  1. When the big shots
    become bigger shots
    then the little shots
    become littler shots.

  2. And when the little shots
    become littler shots
    because the big shots
    become bigger shots
    then the little shots
    get mad at the big shots.

  3. And when the little shots
    get mad at the big shots
    because the big shots
    by becomming bigger shots
    make the little shots
    littler shots
    they shoot the big shots
    full of little shots.

  4. But by shooting the big shots
    full of little shots
    the little shots
    do not become big shots,
    they make everything all shot.

Christianity, Capitalism, Communism

  1. Christianity has nothing to do
    with either modern Capitalism
    or modern Communism,
    for Christianity
    has a Capitalism of its own,
    and a Communism of its own.

  2. Modern Capitalism
    is based on property
    without responsibility,
    while Christian Capitalism
    is based on property
    with responsibility.

  3. Modern Communism
    is based on poverty through force,
    while Christian Communism
    is based on poverty through choice.

  4. For a Christian,
    voluntary poverty is the ideal
    as exemplified by Saint Francis of Assisi,
    while privte property
    is not an absolute right,
    but a trust,
    which must be administered
    for the benefit of God's children.

Looking At Property

Fr. Henry Carr, Superior of the Basilians, says:

  1. Socialists and Communists
    battle against
    the unequal conditions
    of the poor.

  2. Presumably they would be satisfied
    if all were on a level.

  3. Do you not see
    that this does not touch
    the question that is vital,
    namely, whether or not the people,
    no matter how much
    or how little they possess,
    regard it and use it
    in the way they should?

  4. The right way
    is to regard it
    as something entrusted to us
    to use for the benefit
    of ourselves and others.

  5. The wrong way
    is to look on it as something we own
    and can use as we desire
    without any duty to others.

  6. Good or bad conditions
    will follow
    good or bad use
    of property.

What Saint Francis Desired

According to Johannes Jorgensen, a Danish convert, living in Assisi:

  1. Saint Francis desired
    that men should give up
    superfluous possessions.
  2. Saint Francis desired
    that men should work
    with their hands.
  3. Saint Francis desired
    that men should offer their services
    as a gift.
  4. Saint Francis desired
    that men should ask other people for help
    when work failed them.
  5. Saint Francis desired
    that men should live
    as free as birds.
  6. Saint Francis desired
    that men should go through life
    giving thanks to God
    for His gifts.

On The Level

  1. Owen Young says:
    "We will never have prosperity
    as long as
    there is no balance
    between industry
    and agriculture."

  2. The farmer sells
    in an open market
    and is forced to buy
    in a restricted market.

  3. When the farmer gets
    a pair of overalls
    for a bushel of wheat
    the wheat and the overalls
    are on the level.

  4. When the farmer
    has to give
    two bushels of wheat
    for a pair of overalls
    the wheat and the overalls
    are not on the level.

  5. Wheat and overalls
    must be on the level.


  1. Lenin said:
    "The world cannot be
    half industrial
    and half agricultural."

  2. England, Germany,
    Japan, and America
    have become

  3. Soviet Russia
    is trying to keep up
    with England, Germany,
    Japan, and America.

  4. When all the world
    becomes industrialized
    every country
    will be looking
    for foreign markets.

  5. But when every country
    becomes industrialized
    you will not have
    foreign markets.

Mechanized Labor

  1. Gandhi says:
    "Industrialism is evil."

  2. Industrialism is evil
    because it brings idleness
    both to the capitalist class
    and the working class.

  3. Idleness does no good
    either to the capitalist class
    or the working class.

  4. Creative labor
    is what keeps people
    out of mischief.

  5. Creative labor
    is craft labor.

  6. Mechanized labor
    is not creative labor.

No Pleasure In Work

1.Carlyle says:
"He who has found his work
let him look
for no other blessedness."

  1. But workmen
    cannot find hapiness
    in mechanized work.

  2. As Charles Devas says,
    "The great majority
    having to perform
    some mechanized operation
    which requires little thought
    and allows no originality
    and which
    concerns an object
    in the transformation of which
    whether previous or subsequent
    they have no part,
    cannot take pleasure
    in their work."

Industrialism And Art

  1. Eric Gill says:
    the notion of work
    has been separated
    from the notion of art.

  2. The notion of the useful
    has been separated
    from the notion of the beautiful.

  3. The artist,
    that is to say,
    the responsible workman,
    has been separated
    from all other workmen.

  4. The factory hand
    has no responsibility
    for what he produces.

  5. He has been reduced
    to a sub-human condition
    of intellectual irresponsibility.

  6. Industrialism
    has released the artist
    from the necessity
    of making anything useful.

  7. Industrialism
    has also released the workman
    from making anything amusing.

From A Chinese

  1. A Chinese says:
    I thought I had become westernized
    but now I am becoming repatriated.

  2. The material progress of America
    has dazzled me.

  3. I wished while there
    to transplant what I saw
    to China.

  4. But now that I am home again
    I see that our two civilizations
    have irreconcilable differences.

  5. Yours is a machine civilization;
    ours is a handicraft civilization.

  6. Your people
    work in factories;
    our people
    work in shops.

  7. Your people
    produce quality things
    that are alike.

  8. Our people
    produce quality things
    that are different.

Regard For The Soil

  1. Andrew Nelson Lytle says:
    The escape from industrialism
    is not in socialism
    or in sovietism.

  2. The answer lies
    in a return to a society
    where agriculture is practised
    by most of the people.

  3. It is in fact impossible
    for any culture
    to be sound and healthy
    without a proper regard
    for the soil,
    no matter
    how many urban dwellers
    think that their food
    comes from groceries
    and delicatessens
    or their milk from tin cans.

  4. This ignorance
    does not release them
    from a final dependence
    upon the farm.

Up To Catholics

  1. Ralph Adams Cram says:
    What I propose
    is that Catholics
    should take up
    this back-to-the-land problem
    and put it into operation.

  2. Why Catholics?
    Because they realize
    more clearly than any others
    the shortcomings
    of the old capitalist
    industrial system.

  3. They, better than others,
    see the threat
    that impends.

  4. They alone understand
    that while the family
    is the primary social unit,
    the community comes next.

  5. And there is
    no sound
    and righteous
    and enduring community
    where all its members
    are not substantially
    of one mind.

Farming Communes
What The Unemployed Need

  1. The unemployed
    need free rent;
    they can have that
    on a Farming Commune.

  2. The unemployed
    need free food;
    they can raise that
    on a Farming Commune.

  3. The unemployed
    need free fuel;
    they can cut that
    on a Farming Commune.

  4. The unemployed
    need to acquire skill;
    they can do that
    on a Farming Commune.

  5. The unemployed
    need to improve
    their minds;
    they can do that
    on a Farming Commune.

  6. The unemployed
    need spiritual guidance;
    they can have that
    on a Farming Commune.

Professors Of A Farming Commune

  1. Professors of a Farming Commune
    do not look for endowments;
    they look for manual labor.

  2. Professors of a Farming Commune
    do not tell their students
    what to do;
    they show them
    how to do it.

  3. Professors of a Farming Commune
    do not enable their students
    to master subjects;
    they enable them
    to master situations.

  4. Professors of a Farming Commune
    do not teach their students
    how to make
    profitable deals;
    they teach them
    how to realize
    worthy ideals.

Laborers Of A Farming Commune

  1. Laborers of a Farming Commune
    do not work for wages;
    they leave that
    to the Farming Commune.

  2. Laborers of a Farming Commune
    do not look
    for a bank account;
    they leave that
    to the Farming Commune.

  3. Laborers of a Farming Commune
    do not look for
    an insurance policy;
    they leave that
    to the Farming Commune.

  4. Laborers of a Farming Commune
    do not look for
    an old-age pension;
    they leave that
    to the Farming Commune.

  5. Laborers of a Farming Commune
    do not look for
    economic security;
    they leave that
    to the Farming Commune.

What They Say They Believe
What The Communists Say They Believe

  1. Communists believe
    that the capitalist system
    has reached the point
    where it no longer works.

  2. Communists believe
    that when the workers
    come to the realization
    of the downfall of capitalism
    they will no longer tolerate it.

  3. Communists believe
    that the capitalist class
    will resort to all means
    that may be in their power
    to maintain their existence.

  4. Communists believe
    that the Communist Party
    knows how to assure
    production and distribution
    in an orderly manner
    according to a pre-designed plan.

What The Fascists Say They Believe

  1. The Fascists believe
    in a national economy
    for the protection
    of national and private interests.

  2. Fascists believe
    in the regulation of industries
    so as to assure
    a wage for the worker
    and a dividend for the investor.

  3. Fascists believe
    in class collaboration
    under State supervision.

  4. Fascists believe
    in the co-operation
    of employers' unions
    and workers' unions.

What The Socialists Say They Believe

  1. Socialists believe
    in a gradual realization
    of a classless society.

  2. Socialists believe
    in the social ownership
    of natural resources
    and the means of production
    and distribution.

  3. Socialists believe
    in a transition period
    under democratic management
    between two economic systems,
    the systems of production for use
    and the system of production for profits.

  4. Socialists believe
    in freedom of the press,
    freedom of assemblage,
    freedom of worship.

What The Democrats Say They Believe

  1. Democrats believe
    in universal suffrage,
    universal education,
    freedom of opportunity.

  2. Democrats believe
    in the right of the rich
    to become richer
    and of the poor
    to try to become rich.

  3. Democrats believe
    in labor unions
    and financial corporations.

  4. Democrats believe
    in the law of supply and demand.

What the Catholic Worker Believes

  1. The Catholic Worker believes
    in the gentle personalism
    of traditional Catholicism.
  2. The Catholic Worker believes
    in the personal obligation
    of looking after
    the needs of our brother.
  3. The Catholic Worker believes
    in the daily practice
    of the Works of Mercy.
  4. The Catholic Worker believes
    in Houses of Hospitality
    for the immediate relief
    of those who are in need.
  5. The Catholic Worker believes
    in the establishment
    of Farming Communes
    where each one works
    according to his ability
    and gets according to his need.
  6. The Catholic Worker believes
    in creating a new society
    within the shell of the old
    with the philosophy of the new,
    which is not a new philosophy
    but a very old philosophy,
    a philosophy so old
    that it looks like new.

Right Or Wrong

  1. Some people say:
    "My country
    is always right."

  2. Some people say:
    "My country
    is always wrong."

  3. Some people say:
    "My country
    is sometimes right
    and sometimes wrong,
    but my country
    right or wrong."

  4. To stick up for one's country
    when one's country is wrong
    does not make
    the country right.

  5. To stick up for the right
    even when the world is wrong
    is the only way we know
    to make everything right.

Protecting France

  1. To protect French citizens
    living in Algeria
    the French took Algeria
    from the natives.

  2. To protect Algeria
    the French took control
    for Tunisia.

  3. To protect Senegal
    the French took Dahomey,
    the Gabon, and the Congo.

  4. To protect the isle of Reunion
    the French took Madagascar.

  5. They took Madagascar
    for another reason.

  6. The other reason was
    that the English
    wished to take it.

  7. When the English
    take something
    the French say:
    "The English do that
    because they are grabbers."

  8. When the French take something,
    the French say:
    "We do that
    because we are
    good patriots."

Protecting England

  1. To protect the British Isles
    the English took the sea.

  2. To protect the sea
    the English took Gibraltar,
    Canada, and India.

  3. To protect India
    the English went to Egypt.

  4. To protect Egypt
    the English took the Sudan.

  5. To protect the Sudan
    the English forced the French
    to leave Fashoda.

  6. To protect the Cape and Natal
    the English took the Transvaal.

  7. To protect South Africa
    the English prevented the French
    from giving Agadir
    to Germany.

  8. So the English
    are just as good
    or just as bad
    as the French.

Civilizing Ethiopia

  1. The French believe
    that trade follows the flag.

  2. So do the English,
    so do the Germans,
    so do the Japanese,
    so do the Italians.

  3. Italy is in Ethopia
    for the same reason
    that the French
    are in Algeria,
    the English in India,
    the Japanese in Manchuria.

  4. The Italians say
    thatthe Ethopians
    are not civilized.

  5. The last war proves
    that Europeans
    are no more civilized
    than the Africans.

  6. So Europeans
    ought to find a way
    to become civilized
    before thinking
    about the best way
    to civilize Africans.

  7. Theodore Roosevelt used to say:
    "If you want peace
    prepare for war."

  8. So everybody prepared for war
    but war preparations
    did not bring peace;
    they brought war.

  9. Since war preparations
    brought war,
    why not quit
    preparing for war.

  10. If nations preparing for peace
    instead of preparing for war,
    they might have peace.

  11. Aristide Briand used to say:
    "The best kind of disarmament
    is the disarmament of the heart."

  12. The disarmament of Germany
    by the Allies
    was not the product
    of a change of heart
    on the part of the Allies
    toward Germany.